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What does a psychedelic therapist do?

psychedelics therapy

In recent years, psychedelic therapy has emerged from the shadows of counterculture to become a promising frontier in mental health treatment. But amidst its growing popularity and compelling research, many are left wondering: What does a psychedelic therapist do? This article delves into the unique role these professionals play in guiding patients through transformative experiences, helping to heal deep-seated psychological conditions with the aid of psychoactive substances. From preparation to integration, we explore how these therapists facilitate profound personal growth and lasting change.

What is psychedelic therapy?

Psychedelic therapy refers to the supervised use of psychoactive substances such as psilocybin, LSD, and MDMA as part of a structured therapeutic program. Unlike traditional medications, these substances induce altered states of consciousness that can lead to significant insights and emotional release. The process typically involves three key stages: the preparatory sessions, the psychedelic experience itself, and subsequent integration sessions. During preparation, therapists work with clients to establish trust and set intentions for the experience ahead. The actual session is conducted in a controlled environment, where therapists support the client as they navigate their altered state. Finally, integration sessions help clients understand and apply the insights gained during their psychedelic journey to their everyday lives. This comprehensive approach aims not only to alleviate symptoms but also to foster a deeper understanding of oneself and one’s mental health challenges.

Microdosing trauma recovery

The role of a psychedelic therapist

The role of a psychedelic therapist is multifaceted, focusing primarily on creating a safe and supportive environment for clients undergoing psychedelic experiences. Here are the key responsibilities:

  • Preparation: Before a psychedelic session, therapists engage deeply with clients to set clear intentions. This preparation is crucial for helping clients approach the experience with an open and focused mindset. Discussions may include potential psychological effects and personal goals for the session.
  • Guidance during sessions: During the psychedelic experience, therapists provide a secure, calm setting where clients feel supported to explore their consciousness. The therapist remains present and attentive, ready to offer comfort and reassurance as they help navigate the emotional and psychological landscapes that arise.
  • Integration: Perhaps the most critical role of a psychedelic therapist occurs post-session. Integration involves helping clients interpret the insights and emotions they encountered. Through follow-up sessions, therapists assist clients in applying these discoveries to improve their daily living and mental health, ensuring the benefits of the session are fully realized.

Case studies highlighting the effectiveness of psychedelic therapy

Psychedelic therapy’s potential becomes clearer through real-world applications. Below are case studies based on documented therapies:

Case study 1: MDMA-assisted therapy for PTSD

  • Background: A recent Phase III clinical trial has shown that MDMA-assisted therapy can significantly help patients overcome PTSD. This study demonstrated that 71.2% of participants who underwent MDMA-assisted therapy no longer met the diagnostic criteria for PTSD by the end of the trial.
  • Treatment process: The therapy included several sessions of MDMA-assisted treatment where the drug was used to facilitate emotional processing during psychotherapy.
  • Outcomes: The successful reduction in PTSD symptoms was noted without any serious adverse effects, marking a significant step forward in treating such conditions.
  • Reference: MDMA-assisted therapy for PTSD as reported in Nature Medicine, 2023.

Case study 2: treating depression with psilocybin

  • Background: A comprehensive study by King’s College London and South London and Maudsley NHS Foundation Trust, part of a large multicentre trial led by COMPASS Pathways, has shown significant benefits of psilocybin therapy for individuals with treatment-resistant depression.
  • Treatment Details: Participants received a 25 mg dose of psilocybin in a controlled, supportive environment alongside psychological support, resulting in a noticeable reduction in depression symptoms.
  • Results: This trial found that psilocybin was effective at reducing symptoms in participants with persistent depression, with effects noted as sustained and substantial compared to lower doses or placebo.

Reference: For more details on this study, you can read the summary at King’s College London’s news release on their website.

Training and qualifications required to become a psychedelic therapist

To become a psychedelic therapist, you’ll need a combination of formal education, specialized training, and appropriate certification:

  • Educational background: Typically, this involves obtaining a degree in psychology, counseling, or social work.
  • Specialized training: Aspiring therapists must complete specific training on the therapeutic use of psychedelics. The Multidisciplinary Association for Psychedelic Studies (MAPS) offers an MDMA Therapy Training Program, which is comprehensive and includes various components like role-play, case studies, and experiential learning. More details can be found on the MAPS website.
  • Certification and licensing: Beyond a degree, therapists need a license to practice, and while not always required, a certification in psychedelic therapy can enhance credibility. MAPS provides certifications for those who complete their training and meet specific criteria including clinical experience and consultation hours.
Trauma healing microdosing

The future of psychedelic therapy

The outlook for psychedelic therapy is promising, with several advancements expected in the coming years:

  • Research advancements: Continuous research is solidifying the position of psychedelic substances like MDMA and psilocybin as effective treatments for various mental health disorders. Organizations like MAPS are pivotal in this research, aiming to further understand and legitimize the use of these substances in therapy.
  • Legal changes: There are ongoing changes in the legal landscape, such as state-level legalization efforts and the potential for broader FDA approvals. This could increase the accessibility of psychedelic therapies under regulated conditions.
  • Integration into mainstream medicine: With growing acceptance and evidenced effectiveness, it’s likely that psychedelic therapy will become integrated with traditional mental health treatments, offering new hope for patients with chronic conditions.
  • Training and accessibility: As the field grows, so does the need for trained therapists. Programs like the one offered by MAPS are preparing to train thousands of therapists to meet this need, ensuring that the benefits of psychedelic therapy can reach a wider audience.

For more detailed information about the training programs and the future landscape of psychedelic therapy, visiting educational resources such as MAPS Education can provide valuable insights.

For those interested in psilocybin-assisted therapy training, several reputable programs are available, each with unique focuses and requirements.

Fluence’s Certificate in Psilocybin-Assisted Therapy is one prominent option. This program is based on principles of Psychedelic Harm Reduction and Integration (PHRI) and teaches methods applicable across various settings and patient needs. The training includes both synchronous online learning and an in-person intensive training session, preparing participants for real-world application in therapeutic settings. More information on this program can be found at Fluence’s website here.

CIIS’s Certificate in Psychedelic-Assisted Therapies & Research also covers psilocybin among other psychedelics. This program is designed for professionals with substantial backgrounds in mental health, offering in-depth instruction both online and in-person, incorporating elements like Holotropic Breathwork into the curriculum. It aims to equip professionals to apply psychedelic therapies in clinical settings responsibly. Detailed information about this program is available here.

Both programs emphasize the importance of understanding the ethical, legal, and practical aspects of psychedelic therapies and require applicants to have a professional background in mental health or related fields. These programs are not only educational but also deeply immersive, ensuring that practitioners are well-prepared to support their patients effectively.


As the field of psychedelic therapy continues to evolve, the role of the psychedelic therapist becomes increasingly crucial. These professionals are not just facilitators of a medical treatment; they are guides on a profound journey of healing and self-discovery. The effectiveness of therapies involving substances like MDMA and psilocybin in treating serious mental health conditions such as PTSD and depression has begun to reshape our understanding of psychological well-being and therapeutic potential.

The training and qualifications required to become a psychedelic therapist ensure that practitioners are well-prepared to handle these powerful therapeutic tools responsibly. As research progresses and societal attitudes shift, we can expect psychedelic therapy to become more integrated into mainstream healthcare. This integration promises not only to broaden the accessibility of these treatments but also to deepen our comprehension of human consciousness and psychological health.

Further reading and resources

For those interested in exploring this fascinating field further, consider the following resources:

  • Multidisciplinary Association for Psychedelic Studies (MAPS): A wealth of information on research, events, and training programs related to psychedelic therapy.
  • Fluence: Provides detailed information and training programs specifically for psilocybin-assisted therapy.
  • Johns Hopkins Psychedelic Research Unit: Known for groundbreaking studies in psychedelics, offering insights into their latest research and findings.
  • Clinical trials: Keep an eye on ongoing or upcoming clinical trials at for a direct look at the current research landscape.

As psychedelic therapy continues to develop, staying informed through these resources can provide valuable insights into its application and effects, helping to demystify the processes and outcomes associated with this intriguing field of mental health. We hope that this article provided you with enough information, so that now you know what does a psychedelic therapist do.

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Psilocybin therapy for anxiety: a guide to healing at home

Psilocybin to fight anxiety

Are you constantly battling anxiety and looking for a breakthrough that can bring you genuine relief? You’re not alone. Anxiety affects millions globally, and many continue to seek effective treatments that offer real results without the drawbacks of conventional medications. Among these innovative treatments, psilocybin therapy for anxiety has emerged as a promising alternative, captivating the interest of both the medical community and those suffering from anxiety. This guide dives deep into the transformative potential of psilocybin therapy conducted in the comfort and safety of your own home.

In this blog, we’ll explore what psilocybin therapy is, how it works, and why it might be the game-changer you’ve been searching for in your battle against anxiety. From understanding the science behind psilocybin’s impact on the brain to navigating the legal landscape and preparing for your first session, we provide you with all the information you need to make an informed decision about this groundbreaking approach to mental health.

Microdosing for anxiety

What is psilocybin therapy?

Psilocybin therapy has quickly gained attention as a promising treatment for mental health issues, particularly anxiety. But what exactly is it? Psilocybin is a naturally occurring psychedelic compound found in over 200 species of mushrooms, commonly known as “magic mushrooms.” Historically used in religious and spiritual rituals, psilocybin is now the subject of modern medical research, exploring its potential to alleviate psychological distress.

Research suggests that psilocybin therapy can significantly reduce anxiety by facilitating profound, meaningful experiences that often lead to increased feelings of peace and well-being. During a therapy session, psilocybin interacts with serotonin receptors in the brain, which can lead to altered perception, mood, and cognition. These effects can help users confront emotional challenges more openly and with less fear, fostering a therapeutic breakthrough in managing anxiety symptoms.

The scientific community continues to explore how these effects can be harnessed in a controlled, therapeutic setting to support those with anxiety disorders. Prominent studies from institutions like Johns Hopkins University and Imperial College London have shown promising results, indicating that controlled psilocybin use, combined with professional support, can lead to significant improvements in emotional and psychological health.

Benefits of psilocybin therapy for anxiety

The journey towards understanding and managing anxiety can be overwhelming, but psilocybin therapy offers a beacon of hope with its unique approach and promising results. Here’s how psilocybin therapy is helping individuals navigate their anxiety more effectively.

Profound emotional relief
One of the most significant benefits of psilocybin therapy for anxiety is the rapid and profound relief of symptoms that many participants report. Unlike traditional antidepressants, which might take weeks to start working, psilocybin can induce noticeable changes in mood and outlook within hours of a session. Participants often describe experiencing a ‘reset’ effect, where they feel as though they have been given a fresh start, free from the crippling effects of anxiety.

Enhanced self-reflection and awareness
Psilocybin therapy facilitates a deepened state of self-reflection and emotional insight. This heightened introspective capability allows individuals to confront sources of anxiety that they may not have been aware of or able to tackle before. By revisiting past traumas or stressful events with a new perspective, they can achieve a better understanding and start the healing process.

Lasting changes in brain function
Research indicates that psilocybin can cause changes in the brain’s structure and function, particularly in areas responsible for mood and perception. Studies have documented increased connectivity between different regions of the brain during psilocybin sessions, which can contribute to long-term reductions in anxiety symptoms. This rewiring helps individuals break out of rigid patterns of thought and behavior associated with anxiety, leading to lasting improvements in mental health.

Comparison with conventional treatments
When compared to traditional treatments, psilocybin therapy stands out for its ability to provide relief without the need for daily medication or the potential side effects associated with conventional drugs. Furthermore, the therapeutic experiences facilitated by psilocybin are often described as one of the most meaningful events in an individual’s life, providing not just symptomatic relief but also emotional and spiritual enrichment.

Trauma healing microdosing

Preparing for at-home psilocybin therapy for anxiety

Embracing psilocybin therapy for anxiety at home involves thoughtful preparation to ensure safety and maximize the therapeutic benefits. Whether you’re considering this transformative approach or simply curious about the process, here’s how to prepare effectively for an at-home psilocybin session.

Ensuring a safe environment
Safety is paramount when conducting psilocybin therapy at home. Before embarking on this journey, it’s crucial to consult with a healthcare professional familiar with psychedelic therapy. Ensure that psilocybin is appropriate for your specific health profile and that you understand the legal implications in your area. Setting up a support system, such as a trusted sitter or therapist experienced in guiding psilocybin sessions, can provide reassurance and help manage any challenging moments.

Creating a comfortable setting
The environment plays a significant role in influencing the experience of psilocybin therapy. Choose a quiet, comfortable room where interruptions are unlikely. Soft lighting, calming music, and access to nature can enhance the setting. Ensure that all essentials, such as water, snacks, and comfortable seating, are within easy reach. The goal is to create a space that feels safe and nurturing, making it easier to relax and open up to the experience.

Mental preparation
Mental readiness is as important as the physical environment. In the days leading up to the therapy, engage in practices that promote calmness and reflection, such as meditation, journaling, or gentle yoga. These activities can help cultivate a mindset that is open and receptive to the insights and emotional shifts that psilocybin can facilitate.

Setting intentions
Clear intentions can guide the experience toward areas of your life where you seek improvements or healing. Consider what aspects of your anxiety you wish to explore or what personal growth you aim to achieve through the session. Communicating these intentions to your guide or sitter can also help them steer the session to better support your therapeutic goals.

Knowing what to expect
Familiarize yourself with the effects of psilocybin, which can range from visual enhancements to deep emotional revelations. Understanding that experiences can vary widely will help you embrace whatever comes, reducing anxiety about the unknown and allowing a more fluid and beneficial session.

Expert insights: what professionals say about psilocybin therapy for anxiety

As psilocybin therapy gains traction in the field of mental health, various experts have come forward to discuss its potential and how it could revolutionize anxiety treatment. Here are some insights from professionals who have studied or worked with psilocybin therapy.

Dr. Emily R., clinical psychologist
Dr. Emily R., a clinical psychologist with over 15 years of experience in treating anxiety disorders, has observed remarkable changes in her patients who have participated in psilocybin therapy. “The results we’re seeing are quite impressive. Many patients report significant decreases in anxiety symptoms, and these changes are often sustained over time,” she explains. Dr. Emily also highlights the importance of a controlled setting: “While the benefits are clear, it’s crucial that sessions are conducted under professional supervision to ensure safety and efficacy.”

Dr. John M., neuroscientist
Dr. John M., a neuroscientist specializing in how psychedelic compounds impact the brain, shares his perspective on why psilocybin is effective for treating anxiety. “Psilocybin seems to ‘reset’ some of the brain pathways associated with anxiety. It allows for a period of increased neuroplasticity, where patients can break free from the negative thought patterns that fuel their anxiety,” says Dr. John. He continues, “It’s a fascinating area of study that could lead to new, more effective treatments for mental health disorders.”

Lisa G., psychotherapist and psilocybin researcher
Lisa G., who both practices psychotherapy and participates in psilocybin research, provides insight into the therapeutic process. “The therapy component is as crucial as the psilocybin itself. Preparing clients for the experience, guiding them through it, and integrating their experiences afterward are key to achieving lasting benefits,” she notes. Lisa emphasizes the transformative potential of combining traditional therapy techniques with psilocybin treatment, particularly for those who have found limited relief from other treatments.

Conclusion from experts
Across the board, professionals agree that while psilocybin therapy offers significant potential for treating anxiety, it should be approached with caution and professionalism. The consensus is clear: with proper oversight, psilocybin therapy can be a safe and effective treatment, providing a new hope for those struggling with anxiety.

Conclusion: embracing new horizons in anxiety treatment

As we’ve explored the profound impact of psilocybin therapy for anxiety, it’s clear that this treatment offers a new and exciting path for those seeking relief from their symptoms. The potential for psilocybin to provide not just temporary relief, but a transformative healing experience, is truly remarkable.

We encourage you to continue exploring the possibilities that psilocybin therapy can offer. Visit our homepage to discover more about our products and how they can support your journey towards better mental health. Our blog is also a rich resource for further reading, where you can find additional posts covering a wide range of topics related to psilocybin and mental wellness.

Don’t forget to check out our FAQ section for answers to common questions about psilocybin. Our goal is to empower you with the knowledge and tools you need to make informed decisions about your mental health treatment options.

Take the next step

Curious to learn more? Head over to our homepage and see how our products and insights can help guide you toward a more serene and fulfilling life.

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Microdosing psilocybin for trauma recovery

Microdosing trauma recovery

In the journey of healing, understanding the human condition—particularly the impacts of trauma—requires compassion, patience, and a deep empathy that resonates with every individual’s unique experience. Trauma isn’t merely a psychological issue but a profound disruption of one’s sense of self and safety in the world. Recognizing this, there’s growing interest in the role of microdosing psilocybin as a novel approach to trauma therapy, promising a path that heals by reconnecting individuals with their inner selves and the world around them.

Microdosing trauma recovery

The deep impact of trauma

Trauma shapes our lives in complex ways, often submerging us into patterns of fear, withdrawal, or hyper-alertness. It’s not the events themselves that define trauma, but how our minds and bodies respond to them—how they alter our perceptions and disconnect us from our present experiences. Healing, therefore, involves not just addressing the symptoms but nurturing an environment where our deepest wounds can be safely explored and healed.

Microdosing psilocybin: a path to healing

Microdosing involves taking low doses of psychedelics like psilocybin, which don’t produce the overwhelming effects of a full psychedelic experience but are intended to subtly influence cognition and emotion. This approach, particularly when integrated with therapeutic practices, aims to gently lift the fog of trauma. Users often report enhanced emotional clarity, increased presence, and a greater connection to others—elements crucial for those recovering from trauma.

The science behind the approach

Psilocybin interacts with serotonin receptors in the brain, often leading to an increased sense of connectedness and a decreased tendency towards rumination and negative thought patterns. For trauma survivors, this can mean fewer flashbacks, less anxiety, and a more hopeful outlook on life. Research, while still in early stages, suggests that psilocybin can help ‘reset’ brain activity patterns associated with depressive states and traumatic memories, offering a sort of ‘cognitive flexibility’ that can be therapeutic.

The potential benefits of microdosing for trauma recovery include improved mood regulation, decreased symptoms of PTSD, and a renewed sense of hope and openness


Microdosing psilocybin for trauma recovery is to embrace a profound respect for the complexity of human consciousness and the resilience of the human spirit. It’s a commitment to exploring deeply personal experiences in a supportive, nurturing environment.

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ADHD and microdosing

Microdosing and ADHD

Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) is a condition marked by an ongoing pattern of inattention, hyperactivity, and impulsivity, enough to interfere with daily functioning or development. With traditional medications sometimes falling short or causing undesirable side effects, many are turning to alternative treatments.

Among the most intriguing of these is microdosing psilocybin, a practice that involves taking sub-perceptual doses of psychedelics. Could this alternative approach be the key to better ADHD management?

Exploring microdosing psilocybin for ADHD

Understanding ADHD and it’s challenges.

ADHD is not just a childhood disorder; it affects millions of adults worldwide, impacting their ability to focus, maintain organization, and manage time and impulse control. Traditional treatments typically include stimulant medications like Adderall or Ritalin, which work for many but not all. For some, these medications come with side effects such as sleep disturbances, decreased appetite, and mood swings, prompting the search for alternative therapeutic possibilities.

What is microdosing?

Microdosing involves taking a very small dose of a psychedelic substance, such as psilocybin—the active compound in magic mushrooms. The dose is usually about one-tenth of a recreational dose and is not enough to cause significant alterations in consciousness. Proponents of microdosing suggest that it can enhance creativity, reduce depression and anxiety symptoms, and improve overall emotional balance without the hallucinogenic effects.

Microdosing psilocybin for ADHD

The theory behind using microdosing for ADHD is based on the potential of psilocybin to enhance neural connectivity and promote a state of heightened cognitive flexibility. This could theoretically improve attention spans, reduce impulsivity, and increase mindfulness, which are areas where those with ADHD often struggle.

Current research and evidence

While the research on microdosing psilocybin is still in its early stages, some preliminary studies and anecdotal reports suggest potential benefits. For instance, a study published in the “Journal of Psychopharmacology” found that microdosing psychedelics could improve psychological functioning in self-reported measures in people who did not respond well to traditional treatments.

Benefits of microdosing for ADHD

Individuals who microdose report a range of benefits that could support ADHD management, including:

  • Enhanced focus and concentration: Small doses of psilocybin may help improve concentration, allowing individuals with ADHD to maintain focus on tasks for longer periods.
  • Reduced anxiety and depression: ADHD often coexists with anxiety and depression. Microdosing has been reported to improve mood and emotional resilience.
  • Increased creativity and problem-solving: This could be particularly beneficial in tackling tasks or situations that require out-of-the-box thinking.


While traditional ADHD treatments work well for many, they are not a one-size-fits-all solution. Microdosing psilocybin offers a promising alternative, but it’s important to approach this option with caution and awareness of the current legal and health landscapes. Ongoing research and clinical trials will hopefully provide clearer insights into how microdosing could be integrated into ADHD management strategies. Go to our homepage and see what this is all about.

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The difference between magic truffles & mushrooms

truffles vs mushrooms image

Mushrooms vs. truffles: a family affair

First off, it’s crucial to understand that both magic mushrooms and truffles stem from the same organism. They are essentially different parts of the same fungal family, with psilocybin as their common psychoactive ingredient. Magic mushrooms are the above-ground fruiting bodies that sprout from the mycelium, while truffles, scientifically known as sclerotia, are dense, nutrient-rich masses that grow underground, serving as food reserves for the fungus.

truffles vs mushrooms

The psychedelic experience: more similar than you think

When it comes to their psychedelic effects, both truffles and mushrooms share a similar profile, courtesy of psilocybin. This compound is converted into psilocin in the body, leading to altered perceptions, emotions, and an enhanced sense of connectivity. The intensity and duration of the trip are influenced by dosage, individual physiology, and the specific fungal strain, rather than the form in which psilocybin is consumed.

A tour around the world: legal oddities

Navigating the legal status of these psychedelics can feel like a trip in itself. In Brazil, for example, the possession, cultivation, and sale of psilocybin mushrooms are a-okay, with no specific laws prohibiting them. Jump over to Jamaica, and you’ll find a similar laissez-faire attitude, with both truffles and mushrooms being legal and part of the burgeoning psychedelic tourism industry.

truffles vs mushrooms blog

Quirky facts: did you know?

Now for some trivia to dazzle your friends at your next psychedelic gathering:

– Truffles are shy: Unlike their mushroom cousins who reach for the stars, truffles are introverts, growing in the comfort of the soil to avoid fungal predators.
– Size doesn’t matter: In the world of psychedelics, the potency of a mushroom or truffle isn’t directly related to its size. Sometimes, the smallest specimens pack the biggest punch.
– Mushrooms in space: A 1999 NASA experiment sent mushroom spores into space to study radiation resistance. Not only did they survive, but they also thrived, leading to speculation about life’s extraterrestrial possibilities.
– Ancient Art: The oldest known depiction of magic mushrooms was found in a 9,000-year-old cave painting in Algeria, suggesting humans have been tripping since the Stone Age.

Final thoughts: a journey of discovery

Whether you’re drawn to the mysterious underground world of truffles or the ethereal beauty of magic mushrooms, both offer a passport to introspection and cosmic connectivity. The key to a safe and enlightening experience lies in respect for their power and always prioritizing safety.

So, next time you hear someone mixing up magic mushrooms and truffles, you’ll not only correct them but also dazzle them with your psychedelic knowledge and some fun facts to boot. Remember, the journey through the world of psychedelics is as much about knowledge as it is about experience.

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Dr. Gabor Maté’s insight on healing trauma through microdosing.

dr gabor mate


In the realm of psychological healing and trauma therapy, Dr. Gabor Maté stands out as a leading figure. Known for his groundbreaking work on addiction, stress, and childhood development, Dr. Maté’s insights into the use of microdosing for trauma healing have garnered significant attention. This article explores Dr. Maté’s perspective on how microdosing, particularly with psychedelics, can be a transformative tool in the journey of healing trauma.

Dr. Gabor Maté: A brief overview

Dr. Gabor Maté, a Hungarian-born Canadian physician, has long been a vocal advocate for holistic approaches to mental health and well-being. With a career spanning several decades, he has delved deeply into the complex interplay between mind, body, and environment in the context of illness and health. His approach is grounded in compassion, understanding, and the belief in the innate capacity of individuals to overcome adversity and trauma.

Dr Gabor Mate microdosing

Microdosing and trauma healing

Microdosing involves taking sub-perceptual doses of psychedelics – doses so small they don’t produce full-blown hallucinations or ‘trips’ but are sufficient to induce subtle changes in cognition and mood. According to Dr. Maté, this practice can play a crucial role in trauma therapy.

Trauma, as Dr. Maté often explains, is not just about the events that happen to us but also about the imprint left within us – the emotional and psychological scars that shape our responses to the world. Traditional therapies can sometimes be limited in accessing and healing these deep-seated wounds. Here, microdosing offers a unique pathway.

The science behind the therapy

The therapeutic potential of microdosing lies in its ability to facilitate a heightened state of awareness and openness. Psychedelics like psilocybin and LSD, even in very small doses, can alter neural pathways and potentially ‘reset’ certain brain functions. For individuals with trauma, this can mean a reduction in the hyperarousal of the fight-or-flight response and an increased capacity for emotional regulation.

Dr. Maté’s clinical observations

In his observations, Dr. Maté has noted that microdosing can help individuals gain new perspectives on their traumatic experiences. Patients often report a sense of detachment from their trauma, allowing them to reframe and understand their experiences without the overwhelming emotional intensity usually associated with them.

Furthermore, Dr. Maté emphasizes the importance of integrating microdosing into a broader therapeutic context. It is not a standalone cure but a tool that, when combined with counseling, mindfulness, and other therapeutic modalities, can significantly aid in the healing process.

Trauma healing microdosing

Considerations and cautions

While the prospects of microdosing for trauma healing are promising, Dr. Maté cautions against viewing it as a panacea. It’s not suitable for everyone, and factors like personal medical history, psychological state, and the presence of other mental health conditions must be carefully considered. The guidance of a qualified professional is essential in ensuring safe and effective use.


Dr. Gabor Maté’s endorsement of microdosing as a potential tool for healing trauma marks a significant step in the recognition of psychedelic therapy. As research in this field continues to evolve, it opens new doors for those seeking to overcome the profound impacts of trauma. Dr. Maté’s work reminds us that healing is a multifaceted journey, often requiring us to explore beyond conventional methods.

Visit his website if you want to learn more about Dr. Gabor Maté:

If you have any questions regarding this article, feel free to let us know.

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Discover the power of nature with our new mushroom supplement range

Discover Cotae

Unlock enhanced health benefits – Reishi, Chaga, Lion’s Mane, and Cordyceps.

We’re thrilled to introduce you to a groundbreaking addition to our health and wellness collection – our new range of mushroom supplements! At GO Microdose, we’re always seeking innovative ways to enhance your well-being, and our latest offering is no exception.

Discover Cotae

Why our mushroom supplements?

We realized there was a gap in the market for high-quality, legal, and incredibly beneficial mushroom supplements. Unlike many options available online, our products:

  • Do not contain psilocybin, making them legal to ship worldwide.
  • Are of the highest quality, ensuring you receive the best benefits without any compromises.
  • Provide a range of health benefits that are hard to find in other supplements.

Reishi – Harmony & Vitality

  • Triple-extracted, 12:1 ratio of pure fruiting bodies (no fillers or mycelium on grain).
  • Rich in 30% polysaccharides and a full spectrum of phytonutrients.
  • Ideal for enriching your daily diet, suitable for vegans and vegetarians.
  • Each capsule contains 400mg of premium Reishi.
  • Health Benefits: Supports immune function, helps alleviate stress, and improves sleep quality.

Chaga – Resilience & Immunity

  • Triple-extracted, 12:1 ratio, focusing on the fruiting body (no fillers or mycelium on grain).
  • Packed with 30% polysaccharides and comprehensive phytonutrients.
  • Ideal for enriching your daily diet, suitable for vegans and vegetarians.
  • Each capsule contains 400mg of premium Chaga
  • Health Benefits: Boasts high antioxidant content for reducing inflammation and oxidative stress.

Lion’s Mane – Clarity & Focus

  • Triple-extracted, 8:1 ratio of pure fruiting bodies (no fillers or mycelium on grain).
  • Rich in 30% polysaccharides and a full spectrum of phytonutrients.
  • Ideal for enriching your daily diet, suitable for vegans and vegetarians.
  • Each capsule contains 400mg of premium Lion’s Mane.
  • Health Benefits: Enhances cognitive function, memory, and mood by stimulating the growth of brain cells.

Cordyceps – Energy & Endurance

  • Triple-extracted, 8:1 ratio, focusing on the fruiting body (no fillers or mycelium on grain).
  • Packed with 30% polysaccharides and comprehensive phytonutrients.
  • Ideal for enriching your daily diet, suitable for vegans and vegetarians.
  • Each capsule contains 400mg of premium Cordyceps
  • Health Benefits: Improves athletic performance by boosting the body’s production of ATP.

Embrace a healthier you.

Our supplements are designed to seamlessly integrate into your daily routine, offering an easy and effective way to boost your health. Whether you’re looking to increase your energy levels, enhance cognitive function, or support your immune system, our range has something for everyone.

Special launch offer

To celebrate the launch of our new range, we’re offering an exclusive discount for our loyal customers. Use code COTAE at checkout to enjoy 15% off your first purchase of any mushroom supplement.

Don’t miss out on the chance to experience the natural power of our mushroom supplements. Visit our website now to explore the range and make your purchase!

Wishing you health and happiness,

GO Microdose


P.S. These supplements have a shelf life of two years, ensuring long-lasting benefits. Get yours today!

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Microdosing truffles to combat winter blues

Microdosing during winter

Winter months can often be challenging for many individuals. The short days, cold weather, and a lack of sunlight can lead to a condition commonly known as Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD) or winter blues. This seasonal depression affects numerous people worldwide, and while there are various treatments available, one intriguing approach is gaining traction: microdosing truffles.

Microdosing during winter

What is microdosing?

Microdosing involves taking a small, sub-perceptual dose of a psychedelic substance, typically 1/10th to 1/20th of a recreational dose. This small dose does not produce the intense hallucinogenic effects typically associated with psychedelics but can provide subtle changes in perception, mood, and cognition.

Why truffles?

Magic truffles, also known as sclerotia, contain the psychoactive compounds psilocybin and psilocin. These compounds interact with serotonin receptors in the brain, potentially leading to elevated mood, enhanced creativity, and increased focus. Psilocybin-containing truffles can help regulate and elevate serotonin levels, which might be beneficial for those suffering from winter blues.

Benefits of microdosing truffles during winter

  1. Elevated mood: A primary symptom of SAD is a depressed mood. Preliminary research and anecdotal evidence suggest that microdosing can help elevate mood and provide a sense of well-being.
  2. Increased energy: Winter blues can often make individuals feel sluggish and fatigued. Microdosing may offer a gentle lift in energy without the jitters of caffeine or other stimulants.
  3. Enhanced creativity: The winter months can be an excellent time for introspection and creativity. With microdosing, individuals might find themselves more open to creative endeavors, which can serve as a therapeutic outlet.
  4. Improved focus: Despite the gloom of winter, life doesn’t stop. For those who find it challenging to focus during these months, microdosing could provide increased clarity and concentration.
  5. Social connection: SAD can often make people feel disconnected. By elevating mood and breaking down barriers, microdosing might foster better social connections and combat feelings of loneliness.

Winter and truffle synergy

  1. Reflective introspection: Winter is traditionally a time of introspection, given its association with longer nights. Microdosing can amplify this introspective quality, allowing individuals to explore their inner thoughts more deeply.
  2. Nature connection: While winter landscapes might appear dormant, they possess a silent beauty. Microdosing might enhance the appreciation of this beauty, allowing individuals to feel more connected to the environment around them, even in the cold.
  3. Respecting the cycle: Just as winter is a phase in the cyclical nature of seasons, recognizing and respecting our internal cycles is crucial. Microdosing can be a tool that reminds us of the ebb and flow of life, teaching patience and acceptance.

Considerations & safety

It’s essential to start with a low dose and adjust based on individual experiences. Not everyone will have the same reaction, and while many report positive benefits, some might not find it effective.

It’s also crucial to consult with a healthcare professional, especially if already on medication or suffering from any mental health conditions. Microdosing isn’t a guaranteed cure for winter blues, but it can be a tool in the toolkit, alongside other therapies and treatments.


Microdosing truffles during the winter months might offer a beacon of light in the darker days, providing potential relief from SAD and enhancing well-being. As always, remember to approach with curiosity, responsibility, and a respect for individual needs and reactions. As winter blankets the earth in its cold embrace, let the subtle warmth of microdosing truffles guide you through.

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Common mistakes when using psychedelics

Guided journey: Navigating the psychedelic realm with care and respect

In this piece, we’ll guide you through pivotal precautions to observe when delving into the world of psychedelics. By being wary of these potential pitfalls, you stand a better chance of embracing a transformative and uplifting journey. Though history is replete with testimonials about the safe consumption of magic mushrooms, it’s crucial to acknowledge and honor their potent essence.

Psychedelics, be it for spiritual quests or recreational pursuits, have held a prominent place in many cultures over the ages, and their popularity remains undiminished. Yet, like many potent experiences, there are inherent risks, particularly when these substances are misused or approached without the reverence they command. Indeed, when treated with the respect they warrant, magic mushrooms and truffles can usher in profound, life-affirming moments. On the flip side, neglecting this can lead to outcomes that might be overwhelming, even distressing.

Delve further to uncover key insights about evading common missteps when experimenting with magic mushrooms, ensuring you harness their benevolent potential.

A closer look at the safety profile of magic mushrooms & truffles

Evidence abounds regarding the relative safety of magic mushrooms and truffles. A comprehensive analysis by the 2017 Global Drug Survey shed light on their benign nature. After examining data from around 120,000 substance intakes, the study determined that magic mushrooms and truffles stood out as one of the least detrimental recreational drugs. This conclusion hinged on the metric of emergency medical interventions following consumption.

To put it in perspective, of approximately 10,000 mushroom enthusiasts, a mere 0.2% found themselves in emergency care, a stark contrast to the 1% figure associated with more potent substances, such as cocaine or LSD. Nevertheless, it’s imperative to underline that unfavorable experiences, often termed ‘bad trips,’ can befall users, especially if they find themselves in inapt environments or scenarios.

Most common mistakes when navigating the psychedelic landscape

To optimize the profundity and positivity of your psychedelic sojourn, it’s imperative to be aware of potential missteps. The following will guide you in sidestepping pitfalls that might mar the experience.

Understanding set and setting

Before embarking on this journey, it’s paramount to cultivate a conducive milieu for your psychedelic adventure. For novices especially, launching into a trip amidst overwhelming and unfamiliar terrains could prove counterproductive. Bustling locales like crowded arenas or busy thoroughfares might induce sensory overloads, which can be detrimental to the experience.

Your home, imbued with comfort and familiarity, emerges as an ideal space, preferably in the company of a trusted confidant. Being within arm’s reach of the serenity of nature can further enhance this journey. As a golden rule, unfamiliar faces should be kept at bay. Such a decision minimizes the risks of unsettling feelings of paranoia or discomfort that could spiral into a challenging trip.

The company you keep: A pivotal factor

A psychedelic trip can be transformative, but unsupportive companions can distort its beauty. Sidestep those who might belittle or fail to grasp the depths of the psychedelic dimension. An unsupportive entourage can turn what should be a revelatory experience into a squandered opportunity.

It’s advisable to gravitate towards individuals who resonate with sincerity, rather than those with a propensity for clamor or mockery. Engaging an experienced trip sitter, one who remains sober and guides you through the trip’s intricacies, can be invaluable. Their seasoned expertise ensures your journey remains both safe and enlightening.

Interactions with other substances

For an unadulterated connection with the magic mushrooms, it’s optimal to refrain from mixing them with other substances. Although cannabis occasionally emerges as an exception, known to synergize well, mushrooms by themselves carry significant potency. There’s little need to intertwine them with external enhancers, especially for newcomers.

Alcohol, in particular, can amplify tendencies towards aggressive thoughts or disorientation. Pre-consumption of certain substances could also exacerbate symptoms like nausea. An uncontrollable bout of vomiting amidst a trip isn’t just physically uncomfortable; it can truncate the trip’s potency and duration. In essence, intertwining magic mushrooms with other drugs might set the stage for negative experiences. If seeking a heightened experience, consider adjusting the mushroom dosage instead.

Mindset matters: The importance of mood

With psilocybin often acting as a mood magnifier, initiating a trip in a somber state could skew the experience negatively. It’s noteworthy that numerous accounts underscore mushrooms’ ability to evoke positivity. Yet, embarking on this voyage when enveloped in negativity might not yield the best results. Opt to approach the experience with a neutral or optimistic mindset and maintain receptiveness throughout.

Visual influences: Avoiding disturbing stimuli

Hallucinations stand as hallmark facets of psychedelic trips, with their magnitude being dose-dependent. These can range from vivid color enhancements to intricate visual distortions or even transcendental voyages.

During such a heightened state of perceptibility, subjecting oneself to unsettling imagery might have adverse consequences. The emotional impact of visuals or even auditory stimuli (like certain music genres) could be profoundly amplified. Steering clear of distressing inputs can forestall potentially distressing trips.

The art of silence: Resisting over-communication 

Though the allure of narrating your trip’s marvels can be strong, incessant chatter could dilute its essence. Immersion, rather than constant articulation, often yields a more profound connection to the deeper layers of consciousness. While sharing is natural, fostering a serene demeanor can catalyze a richer exploration.

Time: Allocating ample duration for the trip 

A typical psilocybin journey can span up to 6 hours. Allocating a minimum of 8 hours ensures you’re unburdened by time constraints, which can otherwise induce paranoia. The essence of this experience is introspection and understanding reality, necessitating unhurried introspection.

The role of intentionality in tripping 

Magic mushrooms transcend mere recreational tools; they’re gateways to heightened self-awareness. Every trip should be grounded in purpose, aimed at extracting its therapeutic and transformative potential. Focusing on emotions and setting clear intentions can shape the journey’s trajectory. Consider introspective prompts like:

  • What defines your reality?
  • Which goals drive your life?
  • How can you recalibrate your reality?
  • What impediments shadow your goals?


These queries merely scratch the surface. For those seeking an unparalleled experience, the quality of the shrooms or truffles is paramount. For a curated selection of premium-grade options, explore the products in our webshop.

Information provided across the GO Microdose platforms, including our website, is intended purely for educational and informational insights.
This content is not designed to replace or serve as professional medical guidance. Should you require medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment, please consult a licensed healthcare professional. Furthermore, we do not endorse or assist in the procurement of prohibited substances.

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Magic mushrooms’ active ingredient may offer profound relief for severe depression, study suggests

The study’s methodology

Recent research indicates that a single dose of psilocybin, when paired with psychotherapy, can result in significant reductions in the symptoms of major depression. In this US-wide study, subjects were administered a 25mg dose of psilocybin, which is the active component of magic mushrooms, or a B vitamin as a placebo. Following this, they underwent seven to ten-hour therapy sessions. During these sessions, participants were advised to wear eye masks and tune into a specially chosen soundtrack. Post-session, participants then had reflective discussions about their experiences with their therapists. Over the next 43 days, the levels of depression were recorded at five different intervals.

Noteworthy findings & broader implications

The study revealed that those who were administered psilocybin exhibited a marked decrease in depressive symptoms. This group’s outcomes were considerably more positive than the group who received the placebo B vitamin. This improvement persisted for the subsequent six weeks. This data was then released in the Journal of the American Medical Association. This research contributes to an expanding archive of studies indicating that psychedelics can be instrumental in helping patients communicate and confront topics they generally evade or repress during therapy.

Researchers’ conclusion

The researchers inferred, “Alongside therapeutic support, psilocybin treatment correlated with a significant and lasting decrease in symptoms of depression and functional disability, all without notable side effects. These results reinforce the emerging perspective that psilocybin, combined with psychological support, could be a pioneering treatment approach for major depressive disorders.

International recognition

Earlier this year, Australia became the first country to authorize the use of both MDMA and psilocybin — widely recognized as ecstasy and magic mushrooms respectively — as treatments for conditions like PTSD and persistent depression.