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Category: Shipping
How long does the shipping take?
Shipping estimates are different for all countries, on our SHIPPING page will find more information about the estimated shipping time in business days.
Keep in mind that these days are not guaranteed because our shipping partners can run into delays in busy times. On our shipping page you can also track your order.
Which truffle do you sell?
GO Microdose does not sell psilocybin mushrooms. GO Microdose only sells the fresh sclerotia (underground substrate) from the Psilocybe Mexicana truffle. We specifically only sell fresh sclerotia (not dried, not extracted) because this is legal.
The Psilocybe Mexicana truffle can be freely cultivated, traded, and exported in the Netherlands. It can also be freely provided to third parties in therapeutic sessions and be used for microdosing. It is a legal product in the Netherlands, as long as it has not undergone “active processing”, that’s why we only sell fresh sclerotia.
Therefore can be shipped to all EU countries under the European Commission’s Mutual Recognition of Goods Principle
To which countries do you ship?
We ship on a daily basis to almost all countries worldwide. This includes all EU countries, United Stated, United Kingdom and more. Is your country not available in our checkout? Please contact us, we might still ship there.