What are the benefits of microdosing?

Microdosing provides several benefits. Some customers use it to become more productive, others treat their personal fears and still others are able to better control their emotions and state of mind.

At GO Microdose we emphasize improved productivity, creativity and more energy as the most important benefits. It helps you perform better. By microdosing you improve your mindset and get more things done.

Many of our customers experience the following benefits:
• More productivity
• More creativity
• More energy
• More problem-solving power
• Pondering brighter
• Less problems with fears
• Better sleep
• Easier relaxation
• Positive mood

What is the effect of microdosing on my brain or body?

The microdosings with psilocybin affect your state of mind, focus, creativity and, for example, your problem solving capacity. This is due to strengthening the cognitive functions, thanks to influence on the 5-HT2A receptors in the brain. These are serotonine receptors. This increases the glutamate cell activity in the frontal cortex, allowing your brain to appeal to your memory faster. As a result, you can come up with solutions faster for situations or challenges you experience.

In addition, psilocybin has the ability to reset the control systems of the cognition in the brain. Various studies have shown that psilocybin has effect on the default mode network (DMN). This system is active when the brain is at rest. In the event of increased activity you can experience introspection, daydreaming and spontaneous thought dreams. Moreover, the system plays a role in depression. The DMN is also associated with individual differences in intelligence and efficiency.

The psilocybene can reset your DMN and make you more creative and give you more spiritual insights. Microdosing dampens the DMN. As a result, you unlock more creativity.

When should you stop microdosing?

Despite the benefits of microdosing, please consider a few disadvantages and risks. It is important to use the microdosing responsibly and wisely. This applies as to any other spirit-expanding molecule.

After (very) long-term use of PSILOCYBIN (the truffles that we use for the microdosing) you can experience a sense of aimlessness, manic feelings or anxious feelings. That is why we advise our customers to stop microdosing for at least a month after 4 to 8 weeks of usage.