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Why would you combine microdosing with yoga? The 3 best reasons

It seems like everyone around you is doing yoga. And more and more people combine that with microdosing, for even more positive effects. They stay fit and experience spiritual, mental and physical benefits. What exactly is that and what are the main reasons for combining microdosing and yoga? We looked into it for you.

Yoga is gaining popularity worldwide

Yoga was introduced to the Western world as early as the 19th century. However, it was not until the 1970s that it became popular with a wider audience. In the meantime, more people seem to be acknowledging and embracing the benefits for their spiritual and physical health.

A lot of people worldwide practice yoga. This applies to the elderly, young people and even children. At the same time, it is a broad term that encompasses all kinds of activities, so many people have their own interpretation.

It is not entirely clear where yoga comes from exactly. Its history goes back more than 5,000 years and seems to be in India. It is a Sanskrit word for “to unite” or “connectedness.” Buddhists and Hindus, among others, have been doing it for much longer, as have other religions around the world. Some do it to get more focus, others want physical control and still others do it to worship gods or heroes.

Combining yoga with microdosing

Despite 5,000 years of history, yoga is still being reinvented by people every day. A new trend is the combination with microdosing. You use a micro amount of psychedelics, such as psilocybin. That substance is in truffles that you can order from us.

You take those truffles in microdoses to improve your focus, mood and creativity, for example. It also helps users who suffer from ADHD, anxiety and depression. Combined with yoga, microdosing leads to additional benefits.

3 main advantages

More energy

Users of microdoses of psilocybin who do yoga indicate that they experience more energy. They feel fitter because microdosing helps them with their cognitive functions for reflexes, balance and coordination. In addition, they indicate that they do their best workouts on days when they take a microdose.

It gives users the feeling that they are unstoppable, can go longer and can sustain both strength and cardio training. It is striking that the combination with yoga ensures this, although those exercises naturally also require perseverance and strength. For example, the feeling of being able to continue comes in handy with Vinyasa and Ashtanga flows.

Better focus and alertness

Users of microdosing also indicate that they experience more focus, clear thoughts and alertness. They manage to stay focused for longer, without getting distracted when they get started with other activities.

That focus is especially useful in yoga. That way, external matters have less impact on your thoughts and what you are doing. You are not easily distracted by what you see and/or hear. Thanks to microdosing, it is even possible to practice yoga in a busy environment.

Yoga forms such as pratyahara , among others, benefit from this combination. That is an important part of Patanjali yoga sutras.

More creative thoughts

Finally, studies indicate that the use of psilocybin can contribute to more creative thinking in the brain. That offers opportunities to better perform your yoga style and exercises. Your thought pattern feels looser, it becomes easier to think outside-the-box. That is an important skill during yoga, which makes it easier to get into the right flow and get more out of the exercises.

Note: keep in mind that you can combine yoga and microdosing, but not at the same time. Use the microdosage before or after you do yoga. And don’t combine microdosing with yoga if you’re doing it for the first time. Only when you feel comfortable with both microdosing and yoga is it a good idea to combine the two. In that case, too, always wait at least 30 minutes to 2 hours after the microdosing until you do yoga. In this way, prevent the two effects from getting in the way of each other.

Microdosing with yoga: the ideal combination

Microdosing with yoga is the ideal combination for many people. The two reinforce each other’s effects, if you handle them in a responsible way. You will notice that you get more out of the effects of microdosing. And that yoga performance improves. Make sure you find the sweet spot for yourself, both in use and in the period that you maintain between taking it and the moment you do yoga.

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What is an average dose for truffles?

How many truffles should you take? The ideal dosage differs per person, but we can give you a few guidelines. That is important, because in the end you only have the best experience with your ‘ sweet spot’. To better understand what you can take into account, we explain the effects, the ideal dosage and how you make your choice.

What are the effects of truffles?

Make sure you know the effects of truffles well before you start. This applies to all drugs, including microdosing. If you choose our products, they contain psilocybin. The active substance can give powerful hallucinatory effects, in a high dose. That is not the case with a microdose. At the same time, it is wise to delve into it a little better, so that you know what to expect.

If you use truffles (with a high dose) you will notice that the effects start after a few minutes. It involves a feeling of excitement and euphoria, you feel cheerful. Meanwhile, you may experience a strange feeling in your stomach, which is normal. After a while that will stabilize, just like the effect you experience. Shapes fade, colors brighten and your senses become sharper.

Keep in mind that the number of others you use the truffles with will also affect your experience. If others are present, there is a good chance that this will mutually lead to more positive effects, because you stimulate each other in this. If you take it individually, you will especially notice that you become more creative. After about two hours, the effect turns into relaxation and a sense of calm.

How do you choose your dose of truffles?

You can use truffles in different doses to get different effects. On this website we mainly talk about microdosing, but our truffles can also be used in higher doses.
Do you want to choose the ideal dose of truffles? We explain what you can expect:

  • Microdosing
    You use a small (daily) amount to experience therapeutic effects in the medium to long term. It is not about psychedelic effects, because the dose is too small for that. For example, use a 10-12 week schedule where you microdose psilocybin truffles every few days . You do not experience a trip.
  • Small dose
    A small dose is well suited to start with, so if you have no experience with this yet. The effects last for a relatively short time.
  • Medium dose
    Use a normal or medium dose when your body starts to get used to the truffles. You know what to expect. The effects last for about 4 to 6 hours.
  • High dose
    Do you have more experience and do you want to experience the maximum trip? Then choose a high dose. Make sure you know what you are doing and have others around to keep an eye on you.

What influences the ideal dosage?

The ideal dosage of truffles and use of psilocybin depends on many factors. For example, keep in mind that some truffles have a much stronger effect than others. A mild truffle is often better suited for novice users.

Your body weight also plays an important role. About 15 grams of truffle for 70 kilos of body weight is considered a usual high dose. When you are microdosing this is much lower of course, the dose should then be around 0,6 grams of truffle. Keep in mind that the difference between dried and fresh truffles also determines what experience you have, we explain the difference at the bottom of this article.

Your body can build up a tolerance to truffles. That means they have less effect, so you have to take more of them to get the same effects. Thats is why we always advice to have 1 non-microdosing month after 2 months of microdosing.

Finally, the atmosphere and your environment will influence the effects you experience when you use truffles. Therefore, be careful with environments in which there are many people, which make a lot of noise or move a lot. On the other hand, it is a good idea to have others around you, preferably not using them. They can then keep a close eye on you.

Dosage calculator

Utilize our dosage calculator to identify the optimal dosage of magic mushrooms/truffles based on your body weight.
Combine the advice we’ve provided earlier with our dosage calculator to accurately establish the perfect dose for a unique and safe experience. Here’s how you do it:

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How do you find your microdose sweet spot?

Have you ever tried to explain to someone what something smells like? We’ve all tried it, knowing that you can’t fully describe the exact experience of a fragrance with words. So does knowing our sweet spot for microdosing . It is difficult to define or communicate, and uniquely personal to you.

Microdosing is the regular taking of sub-perceptual doses of a psychoactive substance for the purpose of long-term benefits such as improved mood, optimized cognition and increased creativity. In this article we explain how to find your sweet spot for this, so the best experience based on a microdose.

What's the sweet spot?

When it comes to microdosing , the ‘ sweet spot ‘ dosage is different for everyone and can sometimes change over time. Just like when you fall in love, it’s hard to describe. But you will know when you experience it.

To begin with, a microdose is, by definition, one-tenth or even one-twentieth of a macro or recreational dose. Moreover, you use it at intervals of a few days and it is not intended to cause a ‘high’. At the same time, this makes it difficult to determine the ideal minimum effective dose.

The perspective you need is a broader view of the longer term. It is not about direct ‘ effects ‘ but more about the subtle changes and improvements over time.

How do you find your sweet spot?

Finding your unique sweet spot isn’t difficult, but it does require some testing and experimentation . Let’s take psilocybin truffles as an example for this article.

Many start with a dose of 0.5 grams. It is important to always start on a day when you have no other commitments, such as work. This way you can get used to the feeling and fully explore what it does for you.

Suppose the 0.5 gram was not enough for the desired effects. It didn’t quite work for you and you didn’t notice anything different than usual. In that case you can increase the dose on your next microdosing day , for example to 0.75 grams. Consistently keep track of how you feel and write it down, for example, so you don’t forget it.


It may also be that 0.75 grams just too much for you. You then experience anxiety, mild nausea or restlessness. Then you decide to lower the dose again the next microdosing day. The next time you choose 0.65 grams. That’s how you hit the bullseye. You feel great and can easily get into a flow. Then you have found your sweet spot!

The above is of course just one example, but the process always remains the same. Tweak , track, and experiment : until you find your ideal dose. You will use at least once too much. That’s a critical part of the process so you learn where your individual limit is when it comes to microdosing.

But don’t worry, nothing bad will happen and you won’t start ‘tripping’.

How do you know you’ve taken too much?

If you take more than your ideal dose you feel a little nauseous, anxious, restless or even deeply relaxed and sleepy . Many have likened it to an extra cup of coffee. Taking more than you needed leads to a feeling that can last thirty minutes to a few hours.

Do you feel like you’ve taken a little too much? Don’t worry, try eating something, lying down, taking a walk, keeping a journal, making art or listening to music. You will notice that it makes you calmer.

It’s good that you’re experimenting, because that’s the only way you can discover what your sweet spot is. Embrace the effects, and accept that you are also taking too much. You then know where the limit is, and that’s a nice feeling. You can stay below that limit next time.

Your sweet spot

Now you the technical details to find your sweet spot, we will look at some statistics that you can take into account during your journey of discovery. Below we examine some of the most important metrics to look out for and help you determine if microdosing is working for you.

How you feel is largely determined by your daily habits. It’s about how you feel in your body, and in relationships with others. Based on these pillars, you can measure the effects of microdosing and whether it works for you as you would like.

How your habits change daily

What you value most is best reflected in your calendar and your bank statements. That’s what you do every day, so what you probably find important.

If we had to analyze a pie chart that shows us how we spend our days, what would we notice about ourselves? Would we be confronted with the habits we want to quit one day?

We may become overwhelmed with the habits we have yet to implement. A habit is not only what we do, but also how we do it. How do we spend the first 90 minutes after waking up? What is our bedtime routine? What do we drink or eat to calm ourselves down?

What habit do we use to focus on the day ahead? How do we deal with time management? What do we do on autopilot every day?

For example, our customers tell us that they no longer feel the need to smoke. The craving has (almost) disappeared. Instead, they finally started running in the morning, keep it up and live healthier lives. Others, for example, indicate that they show much less compulsive behavior, so they don’t have to check their phone all the time.

A study was published last year reporting that microdosing psychedelics such as LSD and psilocybin mushrooms was associated with spontaneous improvements in meditative practice (49% of participants), exercise (49%), eating habits (36%) and sleep ( 29%); and with reduced use of caffeine (44%), alcohol (42%), and tobacco (21%).

This shows us that microdosing has the potential to be an excellent catalyst for letting go of ineffective habits and replacing them with habits that are much more rewarding.

How you feel

How we feel in our bodies largely determines our short and long term actions. When we feel anxious or overwhelmed, we are more likely to do whatever it takes to immediately feel better (self-soothing and self-medicating).

If we don’t sleep well or experience creative blocks, unresolved problems can significantly negatively affect our quality of life in the long run. Microdosing seems to be able to help with problems such as depression, ADHD, OCD, insomnia, cognitive capacity and creative output thanks to its neuroplastic properties.

Dealing with issues like sleep quality, compulsive behaviors, mood imbalances and productivity can literally define our day and, moreover, our lives. Improvements in these areas mean that the other tactics you used before are no longer necessary, allowing you to solve the problem at the source.

When you feel better, you eat healthier, you are more enthusiastic to exercise and you experience more energy to live your life the way you want.

What relationships tell you

Our relationships at home, at work, and in the world are often good mirrors of our state of mind. Thousands of studies have been conducted over the past 60 years proving the causal relationship between quality relationships and optimal physical health.

How do we respond to the affection of a loved one? How often do we experience anger? How often are we there for the kids? Do we feel a paralyzing tension when we speak in public? Does our spouse or partner feel heard and understood by us?

The old saying is, ” Happy wife , happy life,” but in fact, this can be said about any relationship that matters to us. Whether or not we show up, how we get there, how open and available and present we are can make or break a personal relationship, just like a professional one.


Our ability to give or receive care, affection, and attention has a major impact on our quality of life. When you’re a fun person to be around, the world naturally feels lighter, brighter, and more loving.


Finding your sweet spot requires experimentation and takes some time. When adjusting our dose, it may help to ask yourself the following questions:

  • Do I feel more present in my body?
  • Will I wake up refreshed?
  • Has my pet become more affectionate lately?
  • Is my yoga practice more balanced?
  • Am I generally easier to get along with?
  • Has my ability to concentrate changed or improved?
  • Have strangers complimented me lately?
  • Have I noticed a decreased desire for the bad habit XYZ?
  • Was it easy for me to implement the new XYZ custom?
  • Do I find myself singing a song or whistling a tune?
  • Have OCD/ADHD symptoms become more manageable lately?
  • Have my loved ones mentioned that my mood seems to have improved?
  • Do I feel more alive, better able to cope with life?
  • Have I picked up the pen, paintbrush or musical instrument again after a long absence?

A recent study by Johns Hopkins shows:

“Remarkably, even the lowest amount used in the study resulted in marked and long-lasting positive changes in the subjects’ attitudes, behavior, overall satisfaction, and spiritual beliefs over the study period. These changes were also noticed by relatives and friends.

We seem to have found levels of the substance and specific conditions for its use that are highly likely to provide a profound and beneficial experience, with little risk of psychological harm and very little risk of actual harm ,” says the study’s lead author, Roland Griffiths , Ph.D. _

Sometimes you notice a change after just a few days of microdosing . Sometimes it can take a few weeks. The best way to figure this all out is to journal daily, track your progress, analyze your data, and ask those around you for feedback.

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Antidepressants reduce the effect of psilocybin

A new study by John Hopkins gives users of psilocybin combined with antidepressants a better understanding of its effects. The use of antidepressants has been shown to reduce or numb the effect of psilocybin .

More than half experience fewer effects

During the study, participants were asked about the effects of psilocybin they experienced. More than half (51.7%) experienced a reduced effect. On the other hand, 6.8% experienced an increased effect, 29.5% experienced no difference and 12.1% did not know how to indicate this properly.
Of the group that experienced diminished effects, about half reported having increased the dose of psilocybin afterwards. In this way they tried to restore the reduced effect. About half of this group succeeded, so a higher dose appeared to help to experience the same effects again.

Suffer from serotonin syndrome

Researchers gave the participants a description, which described that the combination of antidepressants and psilocybin in a serotonin syndrome would lead to reduced effects. Only 2.8% of the participants indicated that they indeed suffered from this. Only 0.7% indicated that they believed that this had indeed led to the reduced perceived effects.

Conversely, the participants clearly indicated that the effects were long-lasting. Only after stopping antidepressants for 3 to 6 months did the original effects of psilocybin use return.

Need more research

Why the use of antidepressants seems to inhibit the effect of psilocybin . The dopamine-norepinephrine reuptake inhibitor (DNRI) buprione (Wellbutrin) produced stronger dampening effects than the SSRIs or SNRIs. More research seems to be needed to determine exactly how this happens.

Yet, despite its limitations, this is to date the most informative study of the use of antidepressants in combination with psilocybin and its depressant effects.

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How do you make the best truffle tea?

Do you want to experience the effects of truffles faster, preferably more intensely? Then it is a good idea to make tea out of it. In addition, it masks the bad taste of the truffles, making them more enjoyable to ingest. You can simply use the same amount of truffles in the tea as you would otherwise use.

How do you make truffle tea?

Note: do not use boiling water when making truffle tea. The active substance psilocybin breaks down at temperatures above 69 degrees Celsius. This also applies to mushroom tea.

  1. Crush or cut the truffle as small as possible. The smaller you make the truffles, the better and faster the psychedelic substances are absorbed into the tea.
  2. Boil the water in the kettle.
  3. Let the water cool down until it has stopped boiling. Then you can add the truffles to the water. Make sure that the water does not boil anymore because too much heat breaks down the substances that are necessary to experience the effects of the truffle.
  4. Soak the truffles in the water for 20 minutes.
  5. Strain the tea water so that there are no truffles left in the tea water. Leave the truffles in the strainer . Here you can make truffle tea again.
  6. Add some honey for a nice sweet taste.
  7. Your truffle tea is ready to use.

If you have any leftover truffle tea, you can choose to freeze the truffle tea and store it for your next trip.

Make truffle tea with a different taste

Ginger tea with truffles

  1. Chop, slice, crush the truffles as small as possible.
  2. Boil the water in a pan.
  3. Once the water stops boiling, add the truffles. You also add some ginger.
  4. After 20 minutes, strain the water and squeeze the truffles out again.
  5. The truffle tea is now ready to drink.

Tip: add some lemon juice to make the tea taste better. The lemon juice also improves your trip. Although a truffle tea trip starts faster and is more intense, it also ends faster.

Lemon tea with truffles

  1. Crush the truffles with a knife.
  2. Put the truffles in a cup. Add freshly squeezed lemon juice to this.
  3. Let the truffle and lemon juice steep for about 10 minutes. Stir every now and then.
  4. Boil the water.
  5. Once the water stops boiling, add the water to the truffle lemon mixture.
  6. Let the tea steep for another 20 minutes.
  7. Ready for use.

Drop tea with truffles

You make tea with licorice flavor. This can be dried licorice or a licorice flavored tea bag. Cut licorice is also possible.

  1. Make the truffles as small as possible.
  2. Put this in a cup.
  3. Put the licorice in another cup.
  4. Let some water boil.
  5. When the water has cooled down a bit, pour the water into the cups. Not completely full but half full.
  6. Add some ginger and fresh orange juice to the tea.
  7. Mix the two cups together.
  8. Stir occasionally and let the tea steep for 20 minutes.
  9. Let your journey begin. The truffle tea is ready to drink.
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The risks of microdosing

One of the most frequently asked questions about microdosing is about the risks: ‘is microdosing safe?’ In other words, users want to know what risks they are taking. In particular, due to reports about LSD and magic mushrooms, about psychoses and acute schizophrenia or flashbacks, all kinds of ghost stories are circulating. That’s a shame, because it unfairly gives psychedelics a bad reputation. The stories date from the 1960s, and seem to be the result of the strict ‘war on drugs’ of that time.

The risks of psychedelics in high doses are well studied and widely documented. This shows, among other things, that psychedelics are among the safest choices within the ‘drug spectrum’. They even appear to be safer than weed, alcohol and MDMA.

It is then plausible to assume that microdosing – the use of a small amount of psychedelics – has even less risk. Unfortunately, that assumption is incorrect. There are indeed risks. These may not be directly physiological in nature, but more and more clinical research is being done on them. For the time being we have to make do with what we know about higher doses and the side effects, as well as any contraindications that emerge from experimental use.

Where to start? The main risks of microdosing

Research by Dr. James Fadiman and Sophia Korb describe 1850 reports of microdosers from 59 countries. Of all those reports, only 75 describe a non-positive experience. That is less than 4% of the total. The reports make it very clear what potential risks there are and how users can limit those risks. The researchers also conclude that the use appears to be safe for the vast majority of users.

It appears that the risks of microdosing strongly depend on the specific situation, the person and the product used. That is why it seems wise to use a number of best practices. This prevents unnecessary risks. In case of doubt, it is also wise to consult a medical professional or doctor.

The most well-known risks of microdosing are:

  • Increased anxiety
  • Increased paranoia in those prone to it
  • Increased emotional instability in those experiencing emotional distress such as grief
  • Mild stomach upset and nausea when taking psilocybin
  • Fatigue, especially when taking psilocybin
  • Trouble sleeping
  • Headaches when using psilocybin
  • Adverse effects during the manic phase in those who have manic-depressive symptoms

Interestingly, in the entire study by Fadiman, no one reported a case of microdosing psychosis. That is a risk when using higher doses. Please note that the fact that no one has reported this does not mean that it could not also occur with microdoses.

Lesser known risks of microdosing

Visual effects in those who are colorblind

The reports that Fadiman collected describe people with color blindness seeing visual effects in some cases. Some of the images or colors they kept for days even lasted for days. Not everyone with color blindness experienced this, but it does happen.

Worsening of heart problems

psilocybin on people with existing heart problems have been written before . Dr. Kelan Thomas described in 2022 how, for example, the use of fenfluramine in daily use could lead to additional problems.

Fenfluramine binds to the same receptors in the brain as LSD and psilocybin . However, the amount of microdosing is many times smaller. More research appears to be needed to determine whether these effects extend to microdosage use of LSD or psilocybin .

Microdosing experts such as Fadiman tentatively conclude that 10 weeks of microdosing with a 4-week break afterwards is probably safe for anyone with heart complaints. At the same time, it is therefore important for that group not to use the microdoses on a daily basis. In addition, it is wise to keep a finger on the pulse of existing heart problems.


People who already suffered from tinnitus indicated in the study that the complaints worsened when they microdosed. It didn’t solve the tinnitus for anyone. In other cases, the complaints remained the same.

When should you not microdose?

  • If you are under 18 years old
  • When using alcohol or other drugs
  • During pregnancy or breastfeeding
  • In combination with other medication such as Tramadol or lithium-based
  • With psychoses in the family
  • If you are colorblind as a man
  • If you suffer from paranoia
  • If you suffer from tinnitus

Finally, microdosing can lead to aggravation of those complaints in those with social anxiety. Others experience that the complaints decrease, but it is important to be careful with this and to ask a therapist or general practitioner for more information.

Please note: the full spectrum of potential risks of microdosing for mental or physical complaints is not yet completely clear.

What do we know about the safe use of microdoses?

  • Many medications and supplements can be safely combined with microdosing. Note: this only applies to microdosing, so not to higher doses of psychedelics. Especially MAO inhibitors such as ayahuasca should not be combined.
  • A specific environment is not a requirement for microdosing, but it can help with the positive experience. Provide a good mindset and a safe environment.
  • The long-term effects and the possible build-up of tolerance have not yet been thoroughly investigated. Therefore, it is better not to use the microdose every day.
  • Using microdosing cycles as directed is unlikely to be harmful. Albert Hofmann, for example, did this until the last years of his life, and he lived to be 102 with it.

But, are these final conclusions that will not change? Of course we don’t think so. The long-term effects are far from clear. Dr. James Fadiman therefore describes in his research that the benefits of microdosing currently far outweigh the risks. However, not all possible risks and disadvantages are known, so it is important to be careful with that.

To prevent or limit harmful effects

  • A too large dose with microdosing can have adverse effects on your daily activities. So make sure you find your sweet spot.
  • If you regularly suffer from anxiety, microdosing can help. However, keep in mind that you may actually feel worse during periods when you don’t microdose.
  • Would you microdose too often? Your body may be able to build up tolerance. That means you have to take more and more to get the same effects.
  • Without microdosing you could start to feel less cheerful, creative or productive. That means you become psychologically dependent, which you want to avoid.

Microdosing in combination with medicines

Another frequently asked question is whether you can microdose in combination with the use of medicines and supplements. Dr. James Fadiman and Sophia Korb have compiled a list of medications and supplements (LINK article Can you safely combine microdosing with medications or supplements?) that have not yet been reported to cause problems.

The list is based on long-term research with hundreds of participants around the world. She microdoses with LSD, 1P-LSD and psilocybin. Note: This does not guarantee that you can safely combine microdoses with your medication or supplements, so be responsible and remain careful.

For some, microdosing works better than using other medications. However, always do this in consultation with your general practitioner or another medical specialist.

What do experts say about the risks of microdosing?

David Presti is a professor of neurobiology at the University of California at Berkeley. He is an expert in the effects of drugs on the brain and argues that microdosing is much safer than taking antidepressants.

James Rucker is a psychiatrist at King’s College London and is calling for psychedelics to be re-evaluated, better researched and made available to more researchers. At the same time, he is cautious, because: “if you look at the medical side of microdosing, we still know very little, we do not yet know the long-term effects.”

The anecdotal evidence is growing and provides a good basis for better understanding its use and risk reduction. At the same time, more scientific research into microdosing is needed. Fadiman thinks this will soon follow: “As long as we continue to think that microdosing brings more benefits than risks, there will be more pressure from the medical community, so we will probably use and investigate it in more different ways.”

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What is the difference between truffles and magic mushrooms?

The difference between truffles and magic mushrooms is actually quite simple: truffles grow underground, while magic mushrooms grow above the ground. This affects the composition and the effects of its use.

In this article we explain the differences between magic mushrooms and truffles. Some others use the terms interchangeably, which is absolutely wrong. We list the differences (and also the similarities). From now on you know exactly what you are talking about.

How do truffles differ from magic mushrooms?

We list the differences and similarities based on the main features:


  • Sclerotia (roots) of the fungal plant (the mushroom )
  • Grow underground
  • Contains psilocybin , the psychoactive compound that contributes to psychedelic effects

The truffles grow underground, as a food reserve for the rest of the plant. Some strains contain a higher concentration of psilocybin than the magic mushrooms.

The truffles are difficult to find because they are underground. Harvesting is then relatively easy, because they contain little water (higher concentration of the active substance). Truffles often feel hard and firm or even a bit sharp.

Magic mushrooms

  • Fruits of the fungus plant (the mushroom )
  • Grow above ground
  • Contains psilocybin , the psychoactive compound that contributes to psychedelic effects

Magic mushrooms grow above the ground, so they are easy to find for harvest. The harvest itself is more complicated, because the water percentage can reach 95% (only 10% with truffles). Drying is more difficult. Magic mushrooms feel flexible and soft, and retain that structure after drying.

Truffles vs Magic Mushrooms: What's the Difference in Effect?

Both truffles and magic mushrooms can provide psychedelic effects at a recreational dose. Both the truffles and the magic mushrooms contain psilocybin , even though the concentration may differ.

That offers exactly the same possibilities, namely to take it in trip amounts or in a microdose. In theory, you can use the same microdosing from truffles and magic mushrooms.

Differences in potential: what exactly is it?

Many people expect less potency from truffles than from magic mushrooms. This has to do with the way the two are used and the way they are dried.

The truffles originally contain more psilocybin , because there is less water in them than with magic mushrooms. After drying, a large part of the volume of magic mushrooms evaporates. That means a stronger concentration remains. That way, magic mushrooms can potentially contain more than the truffles.

Both truffles and magic mushrooms are suitable for microdosing , so to use a legal amount that helps to become more creative and active. Truffles differ from magic mushrooms in the accuracy and contain a more constant amount of psilocybin , making it easier to dose.

Magic Mushrooms vs. Truffles: Are They Safe?

Both magic mushrooms and truffles are safe to use for microdosing . It is important to take a minimal amount, which prevents your body from having to process too many psychedelic compounds. By taking a fraction of the (recreational) dose you will experience the benefits for creativity, energy and perception, without the risk of side effects. It is a legal amount that you can use safely.

Both truffles and magic mushrooms contain psilocybin as an active ingredient. It is the concentration of it and the dosage that you use that determine whether you can use it safely. Experts recommend taking a maximum of 2 to 10% of the dose needed to get you high.

If you want to microdose with mushrooms or truffles, it’s a good idea to gradually build that up. Start with an (extra) low dose, to experience for yourself how your body reacts to it. If you find that you need something more to become more creative and feel more energy, you can build it up slowly.

Where can I buy truffles or magic mushrooms?

You can easily order both truffles and magic mushrooms online. That is, if you want to use them in a microdose. That is the legal dosage, which you can use to experience more energy, creativity and a sharper perception.

You can easily order the truffles online, in the dosage you would like to use. It’s the easiest way to get them and make sure you choose good quality in the right quantity.

The Best Truffles For Microdosing

It is important to use the truffles or magic mushrooms in a micro dose. You can microdose according to a predetermined schedule to let your body get used to it. We have worked out the schedules for you, for example to prevent you from surprising your body with it or that you quickly get used to it. Instead, you look for the sweet spot , based on the right dosage and concentration.

We use the best quality truffles, which are best kept refrigerated. This way you can be sure that they will remain of good quality, so that you can rely on reliable effects and results.


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Psilocybin can alleviate severe depression when used with therapy [research]

Nearly a third of the patients in a large-scale study into the use of psychedelic ingredients experienced a reduction in their symptoms. Both The Guardian and various other international media write about this. They cite a study published in the New England Journal of Medicine.

Relieving severe depression

The psychedelic substance in magic mushrooms and truffles such as those available here at GO Microdose have been shown to help relieve severe depression when used during psychotherapy. The research shows the effect of psilocybin, something that gives hope to anyone who does not achieve the desired result with existing anti-depressants.

Nearly a third of the patients with major depression who took part in the study experienced a reduction in their complaints. They used a single dose of psilocybin and then followed therapy sessions. The sessions focused on helping patients find causes and possible solutions to their depression

' Exceptional results '

Professor Guy Goodwin is Chief Medical Officer at Compass Pathways. He led the study and speaks of “exceptional results” ( https://www.theguar ) , from the ‘largest clinical trial to date’ on the effects of psilocybin on depression. His company conducted the survey at 22 different locations across the UK, Europe and the United States.

Worldwide, an estimated 100 million people suffer from depression that cannot be treated with traditional therapy. This is the case if their depressive disorder does not improve after at least two treatments with antidepressants. As a result, about half of this group is unable to perform their normal daily tasks.

Goodwin explains: “The percentage of participants in other studies who normally respond to treatments for treatment-resistant depression is about 10 to 20 percent. That no less than 30% of the people studied now experience an improvement is very satisfying, and exceptional.”

Doctor James Rucker is a psychiatrist at South London and Maudsley NHS Foundation Trust collaborated on the study, at a site at King’s College London. He states that patients with depression for which traditional therapy does not offer a solution costs the United Kingdom alone about 3.9 billion pounds (4.44 billion euros) annually.

Study among 233 patients

The clinical phase of the study was conducted in 233 patients with drug-resistant depression. They were randomly assigned to use 1 milligram, 10 milligrams or 25 milligrams of synthetic psilocybin (Comp360). The patients then listened to a calming playlist, and wore eye masks to focus their attention inward for at least six hours. Meanwhile, the psychedelics used were doing their job.

A therapist was always present to monitor the safety and health of the participants. The study participants received their psychotherapy-based therapy sessions the following day and a week later.

Significant impact at the highest dose

The results of the study were published in the New England Journal of Medicine ( ). The study shows that depression scores – as measured on the standard Montgomery-Asberg depression scale – improved immediately after treatment, for all three variants of the study.

The most significant impact occurred in the participants who took the highest dose, 25 milligrams of psilocybin . Three weeks after taking it, no less than 29% of them experienced fewer complaints, compared to 9% with 10 milligrams and 8% with 1 milligram. After twelve weeks, about 20% of the participants with the highest dose still experienced the benefits, compared to 10% for the group with the lowest dose.

About psilocybin

Psilocybin is the active ingredient in magic mushrooms and truffles. Anyone who would examine it will discover a substance called psilocin inside. This affects the brain by releasing waves of neurotransmitters. MRI scans show how the brain reacts with chaotic activity, as multiple parts of the brain connect with each other.

Doctor Rucker explains: “That may sound like a negative effect, but it isn’t. This happens every night, when we dream and our brain becomes active. The chaos increases a bit, because that’s when new connections are formed.”

Indeed, study participants spoke of a ‘wake-up dream’ when they took psilocybin. It was a brief experience for them, which was gone before they went home. However, the increased activity in the brain seems to last longer, at least for a few weeks. In addition, this could help open up the brain to psychotherapy.

More chance for therapy

Rucker can explain that too: “If the brain opens up more to therapy in a flexible state, there’s a much better chance. We speak of a ‘ window of opportunity’ for therapy, such as psychotherapy.”

The Guardian also spoke with David Nutt , a professor of neuropsychopharmacy at Imperial College London. He was not involved in the research, but does recognize the rapid effects of psilocybin. He describes that it can break through negative thoughts, so that it acts as a ‘reset’ for the brain.

Possible side effects of psilocybin

Despite the clear benefits, a relatively large number of patients reported side effects during the study. Most of these were headaches, nausea, dizziness and fatigue. One person experienced a bad trip and was given a sedative to ease the anxiety. What is more common, and also occurred during this study, is that patients with drug-resistant depression tried to injure themselves and had suicidal thoughts.

In this study, suicidal behavior was observed after at least one month in three patients who did not respond to the 25 milligrams of psilocybin . According to Professor Nutt , the cases are likely due to chance, and those cases have no relation to the study or the dose of psilocybin . Even the highest dose of 25 milligrams would have left the body long ago. Later this year, the researchers will start a more extensive study, in which they will investigate the effect of two doses of psilocybin. Of course we keep a close eye on it at GO Microdose, to keep you informed about this.

